Getting into the habit and discipline of writing

 “Don’t get it right, get it written”  “Write early and write often”[1]   “There is no such thing as good writing, only good rewriting[2]

So what do you do to get writing done?

Non-academic factors make a huge difference to the success and failure of research projects.  A high level of research activity places strains on relationships as well as testing the ability of the person doing the research.  Self-care, and the care of those you care about is part of getting you to a successful outcome.

It is important to relate to those who understand what the research process is about, and to share your learnings with others about the process as you discover means of survival and success. 

While solitary work is essential, it is important to be able to talk about what is going on with more people than just your supervisor. Soon you will know more than your supervisor in a number of areas. You need other experts. At the same time you are responsible to your supervisor and will learn from them about the process and from their questions and differences of perspective.

Look for every opportunity to make presentations which relate to what you are doing.  The more your work as such is verbalized, the more you will benefit from testing your ideas and from articulating more clearly what they really are.

Get help when you need it.

[1] Sara Delamont, Supervising the PhD, Open University, 1997, 121.

[2] Steve Bevans, conversation with John Roxborogh, Hamburg, January 1998. If you are overly creative another bit of advice may also apply: "strangle your brain children!"