There are many lists of the dimensions of church and of mission. Here are a few.
Worship, Community, and Mission may be compared to other indicators of Christian identity, but as with elements in congregational life none of these is the whole story. These lists can be helpful for discussion, but it should be noted that every word has levels of meaning which need to be discussed.
One Mission of God
Two Mandates (John Stott Lausanne Covenant 1974)
Three Marks of a Reformed Church
Mission as a Triple Dialogue
Archbishop Stephen Hamao, President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees, at the presentation of Tom Fox's book "Pentecost in Asia: A New Way of Being Church" Rome, December 4, 2002.
Five Faces of Mission:
The mission of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand is to make Jesus Christ known:
Six Elements of Mission (Stephen Bevans, SVD, "Unraveling a 'complex reality': Six Elements of Mission," International Bulletin of Missionary Research, April 2003, 27(2) 50-53)
Six Great Ends of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Six Themes for Studying Congregations
Nancy Ammerman, Studying Congregations. A new handbook, Abingdon, 1998.
Ten marks of “Growing Healthy Churches” from the Missionary Congregation Project Team, Board of Mission, Anglican Church in the United Kingdom
(1) an energising faith
(2) an outward looking focus
(3) seeks to find out what God wants
(4) faces the cost of change and growth
(5) an enabling leadership
(6) a participative a laity
(7) a loving community
(8) sees faith as a journey we are all on
(9) practice what they preach
(10) doing a few things well.
Twelve Keys To an Effective Church - Kennon Callahan
(The first 6 are Relational; the second 6 are Functional)
1. Specific Mission Programs | 7. Several Competent Programs and Activities |
2. Lay and Pastoral Visitation | 8. Open Accessibility |
3. Dynamic Worship | 9. High Visibility |
4. Significant Relational Groups | 10. Adequate Parking, Land and Landscaping |
5. Strong Leadership Resources | 11. Adequate Space and Facilities |
6. Solid Participatory Decision Making | 12. Solid Financial Resources |
Thirteen Elements of An Emerging Ecumenical Missionary Paradigm (David Bosch, Transforming Mission, Orbis, 368-510.)