I am working on papers which relate to the future of missiology in an era when the polarities which drove thinking about mission up until about 1990 no longer hold as generalisations defining different groups of Christians. To undergird a sustainable commitment to mission, missiology needs both a more modest and yet a stronger place among its fellow theological disciplines.
The next related topic I wish to explore is "Ecclesiology and Missiology". If you have thoughts on these issues or comments on these papers please email john@roxborogh.com
After Bosch: The Future of Missiology (Word) Princeton Currents in World Christianity Seminar, 2 February 2001
Is “mission” our only mission - Revisiting the Missionary Nature of the Church, ANZAMS paper, 28 November 2000
Revisiting the Missionary Nature of the Old Testament ANZAMS paper, November 2001.
Biblical Studies and Mission Studies ANZABS paper, December 2001 (incorporates Revisiting the Missionary Nature of the Old Testament)
Biblical Theology of Mission (Bibliography, Word)
Mission Conferences (Bibliography, Word)
Mission Issues
(Bibliography, Word)
Lay Ministry: