Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership

Presbyterian and Reformed Christianity

Key Text Books

The Hewitson Library, Presbyterian Research Centre, Knox College, Dunedin has an outstanding collection of material on Biblical Studies, Theology, Church History, Mission, and Christianity in Southeast Asia.

Not all of us are as book-orientated as previous generations, but there are some whole books it is best to have that are really helpful for giving you the big picture or for exploring particular issues and topics.

Some of you will be familiar with useful resources from other courses you may have done, especially on the Reformation or the History of New Zealand. The following are particularly recommended for this course. Glenn Sunshine can be bought through Amazon.

  • Sunshine, Glenn. The Reformation for Armchair Theologians, Westminster John Knox Press, 2005.
  • Davidson, A.K. Christianity in Aotearoa: A History of Church and Society in New Zealand, Wellington. Education for Ministry, 3rd edition, 2004.
  • Dennis McEldowney (ed.) Presbyterians in Aotearoa, 1840-1990. Presbyterian Church of N. Z., 1990.