Luther's last will and testament, Lutheran Archives, Budapest

Writing Research Papers and Theses

John Roxborogh

Hewitson Library Knox College Dunedin

 Writing a masters or doctoral thesis

 Tips and projects

 Primary sources

 Books I have found helpful

Judith Bell, Doing your research project, Open University Press, 1993.

Sara Delamont, Paul Atkinson and Odette Parry, Supervising the PhD. A guide to success, Open University Press, 1997.

Chris Hart, Doing a literature review : releasing the social science research imagination. London: Sage Publications, 1998.

Rowena Murray, How to write a thesis, Open University Press, 2002.

Estelle M. Phillips and D S Pugh, How to get a PhD, Open University Press (several editions)

Silvia, Paul J. How to Write a Lot : A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2007.

Silvia, Paul J. Write It Up : Practical Strategies for Writing and Publishing Journal Articles. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2015.


Doctorate, Wikipedia. This article was flagged as needing cleanup, but I found it heplful. It provides information on different types of doctorates in various disciplines and in different countries.

Christopher Hartney, Honours Thesis Proposal Writing. (Religious Studies, University of Sydney, 2015).

Marie C. Hoepfl, Choosing Qualitative Research: A Primer for Technology Education Researchers, Journal of Technology Education 9(1), 1997.

Steve Easterbrook, "How to write a scientific abstract in six easy steps" Serendipity Blog, 24 Jan 2010. This is helpful for humanities abstracts as well. 

University of Otago Student Learning Centre Online Resources

John Roxborogh