John Roxborogh : Articles see also

Acts 9 to 18

African Christianity

Anzac Day

Biblical studies and mission

Bibliography of Christianity in Malaysia


Book reviews

Calvin's Hymn?

Cathie Roxborogh (1921-2007)

Charismatic Movement of 1830

Charismatic Movement and the Churches

Christianity in the Straits Settlements

Common mistakes and difficulties when writing theses

Confessions in the Presbyterian Church

Dimensions of church and mission

Ecumenical futures

Edward Irving 



Evangelicalism and Identity

Facing up to Twitter

Green discipleship

The information superhighway as a missiological tool

The gay debate and church growth

Is “mission” our only mission?

Christianity in Korea


Mission and interpretation


Origins of Malaysian Ecumenism

Persecution: interpreting information on the internet

Persistent Presbyterians

Politics - more or less

Post-war Ecumenism in Malaysia

Presbyterian Studies

Profile a Presbytery

Questions at Christmas

Regional patterns in Southeast Asia

Research and writing skills

Revisiting the missionary nature of the Old Testament

Roman Catholic Church in Malaysia to 1990 (pdf)

Southeast Asia



Telling the Reformed story

Theological education in Asia and Africa

A theology of mission for the PCANZ (word)

Themes in the historiography of SEA Christianity

Thomas Chalmers Enthusiast for Misssion, 1999. M

Thomas Chalmers Enthusiast for mission Chapter 9

Chalmers and Calvinism in 19th century Scotland

Tranquebar in Europe

Trust - Crosslink 'Viewpoint'

Unity and Diversity

Why be Presbyterian in New Zealand?


Writing Minority History

Waitangi Day 2010

What is a Presbytery?

What is Presbyterianism?

What is Reformed theology?